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02/18/09 01:54 PM #1    

Julie Valenza (Miller)

Welcome to the East High School Class Of 1979 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

06/17/09 01:17 PM #2    

Kari Peterson (Anderson)

Julie - Thanks for helping to pull this together! Great fun just reading all the names.

06/20/09 01:16 AM #3    

Roger Hillestad Jr

Julie thanx for putting things together.I have info on Kenneth Fry I will contact him, looking forword to seeing friends and classmates soon.

06/21/09 11:03 AM #4    

Suzanne Murphy (Weibel)

Julie, great website...easy to navigate. I'm looking forward to another reunion. It's always good to catch up! Sue Murphy Weibel

06/23/09 01:27 PM #5    

Deangelo Jackson

John Hoffman please forward tony lautman contact info and larry schadek

06/29/09 04:34 PM #6    

Pam Frazier (Dudley)

I really like this site Julie. Great way to get back in touch with everyone! Thanks!

06/30/09 10:54 PM #7    

Karen Ledding

Great job with the site Julie! Any word on what day/time/place for golf or the location of the Friday night gathering? Looking forward to seeing everyone. Chow!

07/07/09 03:18 PM #8    

Mary McCarthy (Mussey)

Great website Julie - Has anyone heard from Tracy Schultz? It has been many years since I have talked to her - just wondering if anyone knows her whereabouts.

07/22/09 01:53 PM #9    


Susan Stutika (Ross)

I absolutely loved reading the profiles from everyone who posted them! What a great way to find out how everyone is doing! This is an awesome way to get back in touch! I would love to hear from any of my HS friends aquaintences and crushes! LOL Ok that is the single girl talking! Seriously.... I would love to hear from everyone!!!!!

07/27/09 10:35 AM #10    

Kathy Klock (Rockett)

Ditto...great fun reading where everyone's life is going. Hope this website continues even after the reunion. It's been good to reconnect with some folks I haven't seen in quite awhile :)

08/01/09 06:29 PM #11    

Daniel Lewis

Nice job on the site Julie!!!!

Sorry I will miss the reunuion, you all come up and see me some time, we wouldn't have any fun! Have fun you all and leave the horn alone!

08/03/09 11:52 PM #12    

David Olson

1979 the year ac dc came out with highway to hell album there was some good music in our days and good partying we all got along and it was awesome I still like that music and so do my boys rock on dave olson

08/06/09 10:07 AM #13    

Rene Hall

I just hope I remember people's names. In my old age I am horrible at that. Speaking of old age my feet hurt so if there is anyone at the reunion that could let me get a piggyback ride from them that would be great!

08/08/09 05:35 PM #14    

June Stover (Klann)

Great job Julie on the website, even though my husband and I couldn't attend the events it sure was great to see what everyone is up to and to hear from some fellow classmates. I agree, I hope this website can stay going after the reunion to continue getting in contact with fellow classmates. Thanks again for all your hard work in putting it all together.

08/09/09 05:07 PM #15    

Cheryl Haase (Beecher)

To all that attended this year's reunion, a big
THANKS to Julie Valenzia/Miller who put alot of time and dedication into this party. Without her, we would have not found alot of out lost classmates. Please keep in touch some how for our 35th reunion.
Cheryl Haase/Beecher

08/12/09 08:05 PM #16    

Wendy Graham (Miller)

It was a nice time seeing faces of classmates I have not seen in years. I so appreciated the DJ and his mix of music. It was nice to see so many people dancing and having a good time. I also appreciate the website.
I hope we can collect enough funds to keep it going and
hopefully draw more of our classmates onto the site to
update their profiles and join us for the 35 year party.
Thanks to Julie for getting the website set up and coordinating the party. Also thank you to anyone who worked behind the scenes to make the reunion a success.

08/19/09 09:06 PM #17    

Kathy Klock (Rockett)

Thanks to those of you that posted pics from the reunion. Great to see for those of us unable to attend...just wish my glasses were strong enough to read name tags on some :)

08/28/09 06:24 PM #18    


Susan Stutika (Ross)

I loved looking at the photos you posted! I wish you would add names so the faces could be more easily identified! LOL Sorry I have not been able to attend one reunion yet so I cannot recognize some classmates..... Julie.... amazing.... you havent changed much at all!!!!!

08/28/09 11:11 PM #19    

Julie Valenza (Miller)

If you place your mouse over the photo's you'll see the names of the classmates. Julie

09/09/09 01:01 PM #20    

Julie Valenza (Miller)

I posted Johns article on our webpage under reunion article. Thanks John it's great and so true. Julie

07/20/14 04:34 PM #21    

Darryl McCants

The 30th reunion turned out to be pretty fun.  I stopped at the Red Hotel a few weeks ago, so it's a very nice Hotel.  I'am looking forward to stopping by after working my usual long day.  A drink or two might do me good lol.  Great job putting this together...

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